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20 Mistakes Bloggers Are Still Making part # 1

Today I’m going to cover some of the biggest mistakes bloggers are still making.
Most of these fall under the
category of “structural” or “conceptual.”
Chances are, if you’re a novice, you’re guilty of at least a couple.
Don’t stress, this post will set you on the right track to becoming a more successful blogger.
But be warned…
You may find yourself compelled to throw out some posts, or even move your blog in a new direction altogether.

Mistake #1: Not Getting Your Audience

One of the biggest mistakes bloggers are still making is not identifying their audience.
Many get the topic and have the facts, but don’t connect with anybody.
As bloggers we have to understand the problems our readers face and empathize with them.
Literally feel what they feel and see through their eyes.
Once you do this, creating engaging posts that solve problems and answer questions is a breeze.
Aside from interacting with readers comments and installing Google Analytics, asking questions with a survey plugin likeYOP Polls is great for identifying demographics.
You can even step the look up a notch with a service likeSurvey Monkey.
With the free version you get up to 100 responses and 10 questions per survey… and it’s easy to set up.

Mistake #2: Not Choosing a Strong Niche

Another big mistake that bloggers make is trying to be everything for everyone.
You can’t underestimate the benefits of strong focus.
Having a tightly defined and clear mission, makes you much more likely to gain a strong and passionate following that’s incredibly valuable.
Being passionate and excited about whatever it is you’re blogging really presents itself in your writing.

Mistake #3: Covering Too Much

A lot of bloggers want to appeal to a broad audience, so they write about a ton of topics.
You might be thinking, “well, that’s doesn’t seem like such a bad idea.”
The issue is, the blog can get a little too bloated and easily lose connection (and trust) with the reader.

Mistake #4: Inconsistency

This is one of the greatest factors of an unsuccessful blog, both in publication frequency and quality.
The hard part is these “elements of success” can sometimes seem like opposing forces.
Creating great content doesn’t typically take 5 minutes, which is a problem for those of us accustomed to instant gratification.
Ensure quality content on a regular basis by simply adhering to a publishing schedule.
Base your blogging on routine, not on whenever the muse comes to visit.
Don’t put out a great first post and follow it up with rushed crap. You’ll lose readers quicker than it took to write your lackluster content.

Mistake #5: Lack of Commitment

Not committing to blogging is another big mistake.
A lot of people get into blogging, and think it will have an instantaneous impact on their business – most receive a rude awakening.
You should plan on writing at least a couple posts per week for the first six months. It’s not likely you’ll experience overnight success.
But don’t get discouraged and quit because…
“Anything in life worth having is worth working for.” –Andrew Carnegie

Mistake #6: Quantity Over Quality

Your readers don’t want quantity, they want QUALITY!
Internet users want solutions to their problems with easy to digest information.
It WILL take you some time to research, write, and edit a good blog post…
Otherwise, a quick Google search would offer “good enough” information for your prospect.
Do yourself a favor and set your blog apart with unique content!
Steve Kamb of does a great job of making his content stand out in a VERY competitive industry.

Mistake #7: Writing For Yourself and Not Your Audience

Even if it sounds fun to share what’s on your mind in the moment, if it doesn’t help your audience, don’t post it.
You can’t be selfish. You need to leave that to your readers.
They want information that’s helpful to them.
Recognize your audience’s selfishness and feed them.
Indulging yourself doesn’t help your reader, which doesn’t help your blog.

Mistake #8: Making Your Blog About You

Remember, your audience doesn’t care about you unless you’re a celebrity.
Write blog posts that are entertaining, topical, and/or useful.
Unless you’re somehow directly relevant to how useful, interesting, or good your blog posts are, don’t make it about yourself.

Mistake #9: Poor Writing

A blogger’s job is to find and retain readers.
When you have more readers, you have an opportunity to help more people and make more money.
With this in mind, there’s one SUREFIRE approach to turn away new readers…
Always proofread before posting. Use spell-check and review your readability statistics in Microsoft Word.
Take time to research the concepts, facts, and ideas in your posts.
Remember, your focus should always be helping people – especially if you plan to profit.

Mistake #10: Not Using Provocative Headlines

Engage your readers with compelling headlines.
Everyone’s more excited to check out a blog post when it has a provocative headline.
Make people want to read your stuff with seriously enticing headlines.
Here are 11 great examples of provocative headlines:
  • Don’t Even Think About Blogging Without Reading This Report!
  • Amazing New Discovery Kills Kitchen Odors Quick!
  • Why Some People Almost Always Make Money Online?
  • Is The Life of a Child Worth $1 to You?
  • 7 Reasons Income Diary Readers Live Better
  • Free Book Tells You 12 Secrets of Incredible Sex
  • Why Some Foods “Explode” in Your Stomach
  • The “Friendly” Health Advice You Should NEVER Take
  • The Strange Breathing Technique That Improves Your Posture
  • Thousands Now Play Who Never Thought They Could
  • Lose Weight While You Eat (10 Foods That Actually Burn Calories)

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