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Earn Money Online by freelancing

Every one can earn money online. If you are a hard working talented person with basic computer knowledge and have an internet connection at home you can easily earn a decent amount of money online every month. But the amount of money would be different. I would like to divide them into three group stages based on their earnings.


This is the group for new comers and they totally don’t know how to earn money online. They are seeking for jobs all around the net but due to lack of experience they failed to get any job. In that time they choose PTC, Captcha Entry and other typing based jobs. These jobs are hard working and specially made for newbie because they are less experienced.
The amount of earnings from these kinds of jobs is quite low. It is not more than 100 USD per month. But for the inexperienced newbie it is a decent amount. And it could be their side income also. So don’t be upset and try to obtain more demandable qualifications for better income.


This group earns much better amount of money than the previous one. They are more experienced and qualified. They can maintain Blogs with Google Adsense or other Ads, Writing Articles for Blog or Web, doing some easy Freelancing jobs like File Conversions, Virtual Assistance and much more.
With these kinds of jobs they can earn a good amount of money. It could be more than 500 USD per month. But this is not the final stage of earn money online. You can earn Huge amount of money and can live a gorgeous life without going to so called office.


This is the final group stage of earn money online. In this group they are all learned, qualified and experienced in advance stage of freelancing. They can earn more than 2,000 USD per month. It is not a joke. Just take a look on this Odesk Freelancer’s profile.
To be a qualified freelancer you have to learn and pass some qualifying examination in the market places like Odesk on various demandable subjects like Web Development, Web Designing, Web Programming, Ecommerce, Software Development, Network Administration, DBA – Database Administration, Graphic Designing, 3D Modeling & CAD, Animation, Engineering & Technical Designing, SEO – Search Engine Optimization, Sales & Lead Generation, Business Consulting, Statistical Analysis, Project Management, Technical Writing, Web Research and much more. Online free tutorials can help you to learn those subjects easily. So learn more and earn more and lead a better life.
Beside these, there are many alternative ways to earn money online. HYIP (High Yield Investment Program), Affiliate Program, Domain Perking, Paid Surveys etc are among them. So go for the best and be a successful Freelancer.

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