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Showing posts from December, 2014

learn html for intermediate :meta tag

Once upon a time, many eons ago, when the Internet was just a small number of cardboard boxes attached to each other with string,  meta tags  were the town criers of the Internet… erm… town. Meta tags don’t do anything

Forex trading Tutorials Part 11 Technical Indicators

Technical Indicators I: Introduction Technical indicators are statistics of past market data base on different mathematical calculations. Traders use technical indicators

Forex trading Tutorials Part 10 Fibonacci

Fibonacci I: Retracements The price movement of any financial market is in wave format. Suppose a currency pair is on an up-trend, going from 1.0000

Forex trading Tutorials Part 9 Chart Patterns

Chart Patterns I: Introduction to Reversal Patterns and Continuation Patterns There are two major ways to trade the financial markets: swing trading and trend following. Swing traders use technical analysis to look for short-term price movement

Forex trading Tutorials Part 8 Candlestick

Candlestick I: Introduction  to Candlestick and its patterns What is a candlestick chart? Candlestick charts

Forex trading Tutorials Part 7 Technical Analysis

Technical Analysis V: Trending and Ranging Markets In Trending Markets The existence of a trend in any market depends on a series of relative highs and lows. Two consecutive relative highs, each above the previous relative high, and two

Forex trading Tutorials Part 6 Technical Analysis

Technical Analysis III: Support and Resistance What are support and resistance? Support levels are prices where buyers

Forex trading Tutorials Part 5 Technical Analysis

Technical Analysis I: Introduction There are two major approaches to analyzing the currency market, fundamental analysis and technical analysis. The fundamental analysis focuses on the

Forex trading Tutorials Part 3 Basic Concepts

Basic Concepts V: Spreads What is a spread? In margin forex trading, there are two prices for each currency pair, a "bid" (or sell) price and an "ask" (or buy) price. The bid price is the rate at which traders can sell

Forex trading Tutorials Part 1 Basic Concepts

This section aims at providing the basic knowledge for the beginning forex traders. The following topics are covered. Basic Concepts Technical Analysis Candlesticks Charting

Learn CSS for beginners : Text

Font Family This is the font itself, such as Times New Roman, Arial, or Verdana. The user’s browser has to be able to find the font you specify, which, in most cases, means it needs to be on  their computer

Learn HTML for beginner : LIst

Unordered lists and ordered lists work the same way, except that the former is used for non-sequential lists with list items usually preceded by bullets and the latter is for sequential lists, which are normally represented by incremental numbers. The  u

Learn HTML for beginner : Images

The  img  tag is used to put an image in an HTML document and it looks like this: < img src = "" width = "120" height = "90" alt = "HTML Dog" > The  src  attribute tells the browser where to find the image. Like the  a  tag, this can be absolute, as the above example demonstrates, but is usually relative. For example, if you create your own image and save it as “alienpie.jpg” in a directory called “images” then the code would be  <img src="images/alienpie.jpg"... The  width  and  height  attributes are necessary because if they are excluded, the browser will tend to calculate the size as the image loads, instead of when the page loads, which means that the layout of the document may jump around while the page is loading. The  alt  attribute is the  alternative description . This is an accessibility consideration, providing meaningful information for users who are ...

earn money by selling ebooks

Selling eBooks   Once you've  set up your web site  and finished preparing your eBook you're ready to start selling your eBook.  Before you start selling there just a few things you still

how to sell ebook

1. ClickBank ClickBank : is a 3rd party program that basically takes over the sale of your ebook. The process your orders, deliver the ebook, pay your affiliates and pay you. You don't have to

How to Find Advertisers for Your Blog

‘Having a niche blog means that I will never have the same amount of visitors as some of the larger technology/media blogs. This means that advertisers such as blog ads will not allow me to use their ads as they see me as having lower visitor numbers. Traditionally manufacturers in my niche are wary of the internet even though they have  websites – I have contacted a few and state my visitor numbers etc but still they are unwilling to even trial. I think it is because my blog is “personal” but in my niche I can get away with that as it is classed as a diary. Any advice?’ Tough one Alistair. I could write a lot on this (and have actually asked Chad, b5media’s Ad Sales guy to write some posts for me on the topic too) but here are a few tips that come to mind. I hope you don’t mind me compiling them as a list as they’re somewhat random ideas: 1. Show them what they’re buying  – one of the most powerful strategies I used in my early days of selling ads to people was to show t...

How to Find Advertisers for Your Website

Direct advertising sales is arguably the best method to monetize a website. Finding advertisers for your site and actually closing the deals, however, is not as straight forward. Over the past 6 months I had more than 10 high profile companies sponsoring Daily Blog Tips, and through out this article I will share what I have learned along the way. The Pros More money : The first advantage of selling your own ads is the fact that you will cut the middlemen out, increasing your revenue potential. Suppose you sell text link ads on your sidebar through a certain company, and the text links sell for $50 monthly. Since you are using the company network to sell the ads, they will eat 50% of the price, and you will end up earning only $25 monthly for each text link. If someone is willing to pay $50 for a text link on your site, though, it means that they are getting $50 of value out of it. Why, then, should you share that with someone else? Independence : Sure, large advertising networks ...

Earn from affiliate networks

An affiliate network pays out a fixed amount or a percentage of the sale amount.  You refer someone through your link and get paid if someone actually buys something. As mentioned, some of these networks bleed together; meaning some of these affiliate networks pay out on CPA offers as well. 27.  Amazon Associates  – Can be a good option because you get paid no matter what the person buys on Amazon within 24 hours (not just what you referred them to). 28.  Commission Junction ( 29.  Clickbank 30.  SkimLinks  (This is actually an in-content ad network, but it pays out based on actual sales made.  So its not a per-click basis, but does display ads automatically based on the content of your site.  Its a pretty cool option actually that I’ve used and like). 31.  LinkShare 32.  ClixGalore 33.  eBay Partner Network  (Actually pays on a per click basis – but the amount you earn goes up or down based on the hi...

Earn from PPC and CPM ads

How to Monetize a Niche Site In the past, I’ve primarily focused on Google Adsense for my own niche sites. I did try out a  few Adsense alternatives , but I came back to Adsense because its the highest paying contextual ad network out there…by far.  Its easy to implement, pays the most, and just works. However, as I set out to start my very first public niche site project, I have decided to use something besides Google Adsense to monetize my site.  (You can learn more about the  niche site project and live webinar to be held here ). I’m not going to pick a particular monetization strategy until I pick a niche and keyword.  Right now, I’m thinking that I would like to build an email list and monetize that list with affiliate offers or my own products.  However, this is not set in stone, and could change as I pick my niche OR as I test different strategies on the same site. However, as I contemplate how I should make money from my new niche site, I a...