An affiliate network pays out a fixed amount or a percentage of the sale amount. You refer someone through your link and get paid if someone actually buys something. As mentioned, some of these networks bleed together; meaning some of these affiliate networks pay out on CPA offers as well.
27. Amazon Associates – Can be a good option because you get paid no matter what the person buys on Amazon within 24 hours (not just what you referred them to).
29. Clickbank
30. SkimLinks (This is actually an in-content ad network, but it pays out based on actual sales made. So its not a per-click basis, but does display ads automatically based on the content of your site. Its a pretty cool option actually that I’ve used and like).
31. LinkShare
32. ClixGalore
33. eBay Partner Network (Actually pays on a per click basis – but the amount you earn goes up or down based on the history of actual sales you’ve generated. So if lots of people buy through your links, you get more per click.)
35. Google Affiliate Network (different than standard Google Adsense).
Direct Affiliate Programs
Thousands (yes thousands) of companies offer their own affiliate programs that are NOT listed in any network. These can be harder to find, but often pay very well. Here are just 2 examples of companies that run their affiliate program in house:
This is probably the biggest category because you can also contact companies directly and ask to start an affiliate program with them or otherwise work out a deal with them directly.